I think Perkins is the purple one. He seems to prefer purple.
So, I'm in the pharmacy to day and I see what appears to be a naked lady. She wasn't however, she was just wearing a tube top that I couldnt see. I realized she looked very familiar to me. It was the whooses lady (who I had actually seen last night once again on your blog). I got so excited. I pulled up your blog and showed a few people the whooses & whooses.
When she came back to pick up her rx I made sure it was I who handed it out to her. I told her I believed that I had seen her on the news about a year ago. She confirmed and stated "they made a whole joke of it, like i was naked."
She looked just like she did in the wooshes clip!!! Made my day right there.
p.s. Whooses lady is missing one of her front teeth
Many of you may not know this but Perkins is freakin' hilarious. My favorite part, if I may, was the line "...and I see what appears to be a naked lady. She wasn't however, she was just wearing a tube top that I couldnt see." He painted it perfectly. Anyway, if you haven't seen the video I'm going to do the whole Ikea thing and make you scroll through my blog, and in the process hopefully see something that you just can't pass up reading, until you eventually say "eff my life" and leave without watching the video. Just kidding, don't leave without watching the video!
Let me point out other reasons for this post. First of all, to note that I have readers, or at least one. And secondly, you never know when my blog will be useful in daily life. You may even use it as a tool or a reference to stress a point amongst friends and coworkers! Lastly, to thank Angie again for keeping that on her DVR last year and sharing its glory with us!
Thanks Perkins for the update and don't kill me for not first seeking your permission to post this! Without you my blog may have waited another two months before a post!
P.S. Here's a shortcut to the first Wooshes Lady post if you're in a hurry!
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